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Board of Trustees

The Board’s primary functions are to promote, protect, and advance the mission and vision of the school; ensure the present and future financial stability of the school; hire, support, and evaluate the Head of School; and develop strategic initiatives and goals for the school.

Diversity Statement

Annunciation Orthodox School believes that diversity enriches a school community. We respect racial, cultural, ethnic, physical, religious, socioeconomic, and philosophical differences in our students, faculty, administration and families. We celebrate our individuality and encourage a climate of mutual interest and respect, in accordance with our Christian values. Our commitment to diversity prepares our students to interact and communicate effectively with a spirit of understanding and compassion in an increasingly global society.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of AOS consists of 21 voting members, seven of whom are nominated by Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral. The voting members, along with the advisory and ex officio members, have a passion for serving AOS and each share their unique professional and personal expertise to support the AOS mission. In accordance with best practices, the Board includes current and former parents and other community members. 

Executive Committee

Bob Collins

AJ Gracely
Vice-Chair & Treasurer

Santos Hinojosa

Helena Papadopoulos Johnson

Dr. Samuel V. Fragomeni
Head of School

Voting Members

Matt Altenau

Marion Anderson

Constantina Boudouvas

Bob Collins

Mark DiBella

Paul Doyle

Michele Friedman

Jein Gadson

Mark George

AJ Gracely

Santos Hinojosa

Katina Mathews

Ianni Palandjoglou

Helena Papadopoulos Johnson

Erin Patterson

Tiffani Perry

Dr. Lara Shekerdemian

Andrew Sullo

George Vlahakos

Hanson Yates

Joni Zavitsanos

ex-officio members

Dr. Samuel V. Fragomeni

Fr. Michael Lambakis

Niko Lorentzatos

Jennifer McCormick

Board of Trustees Committees & Task Forces

The Board’s committees and task forces play an essential role in advancing the work of the Board, which helps keep the Board focused on strategic and generative matters.


Task Forces

Why I Serve

"To raise a servant leader, I must be one. Serving is itself a gift. Pouring my time and energy into those that pour into my child is a high honor for me as a parent."

- Jein Gadson

"To preserve and support AOS’s ability to educate curious and compassionate children who will change the world one heart at a time."

- Anthony Gracely