Wisdom is all about knowledge and understanding, and everyone needs wisdom to make important decisions. When you go through difficult times in your life you call on wisdom. Many times, our students gain wisdom from their own life experiences and from others who are older. Wisdom can be found in the word of God, too. The Bible provides us with the guidance we need to help us navigate any situation.
"The virtue of wisdom differs from knowledge in that wisdom is normally understood as the immediate insight into things, the practical understanding and grasping of what is true and right in its living expression and form. The wise man is the one who sees clearly and deeply into the mysteries of God. He is the one who can give concrete advice in the everyday affairs of life, the one who can point out the will of God to man who is confronted by actual problems and decisions. He is the one, who like Jesus, knows not only what is in God, but “what is in man” (John 2:25, OCA.org).