Before & After School
The Extended Day Office coordinates our before- and after-school programs which include Extended Day Care (EDC), Extended Day Activities, Private Music Lessons, Birthday Parties and Student Clubs.
Provided below are details surrounding all of our Extended Day programs for Spring 2025.
Extended Day Program Descriptions
This is our childcare program, offering childcare before school at 7:00 AM and after school until 6:00 PM. EDC is staffed by our Faculty and Extended Day Counselors and is designed to give parents flexibility in drop-off and pick-up times and to be a playdate for our children each day. This program is available to all of our families and you can register for this program as few as 1-day a week and as many as 5-days a week.
Fall EDC will take place the first full-day of your child’s school year through the last full school day before the Christmas Holiday break.
Spring EDC will take place the first day we return in January through the last full school-day.
Holiday Care is available to add to your child’s schedule to cover conference days and some school holidays as well as some early dismissal days. The full list of Holiday Care dates can be found in the Holiday Care description. Students who are enrolled in 5-day PM or 5-day AM & PM EDC include Holiday Care automatically.
Drop-in care can be scheduled for a one-day enrollment in aftercare for one-off situations as needed throughout the school year. The Drop-in option is not available for AM EDC or on Holiday Care days.
EDC registration is semester based, Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.
Before and After School Activiies
These are specialty classes taught by faculty, staff, or community professionals that typically take place once a week. Children can participate in an activity à la carte or in addition to EDC. Our Extended Day team manages the transition to and from these activities and parents can pick-up after the activities in a carpool pick-up line or choose to register for EDC that day if a later pick-up is necessary. Activity registration is semester based, Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.
Registration is on a first come, first served basis, and many activities have limited space and fill quickly.
Waitlists are formed for classes that fill, and we try to move as many students off the waitlist as possible by forming second sections. Please know that forming second sections is only possible for certain classes as other classes are unable to add additional instructors and, therefore, the waitlist will stand.
Birthday Parties
Prekindergarten -1st grade parties are offered on Fridays this year and will be held at Annunciation Orthodox Greek Cathedral Gym.
The party includes an hour of games and activities with Coach Christine Moraczewski and our Extended Day instructors. We also provide a party celebration room during the length of the party. Our team helps transition students from their classrooms to the party activities, and facilitates the birthday celebration in the party room after the games and activities.
There is a $100 non refundable deposit to secure your party date at the time of registration.
Families may host an individual birthday party or partner with other families to offer a combined-birthday party. The party rate is $400/20 students and $20/student for additional students in attendance. Families may invite one of the following:
Your child’s homeroom class
All girls/all boys from your child’s grade level
Your child’s entire grade level
Private Music Lessons
We provide private instrument and voice lessons to students throughout the afternoons. Private lessons begin at Kindergarten and are taught on campus by our qualified instructors and faculty. To be considered, parents must join the waitlist during Fall 2024 registration which our Lesson Coordinator will work from to fill the schedule. Private music lessons require a full-year commitment.
New this year, parents will be charged for a semester of lessons through the Extended Day Registration website, similar to our after school activities, once the lesson schedule has been finalized with the Lesson Coordinator.
This is the United Church Athletic League which is a sports league for our younger athletes. We offer three different seasons: Fall (Kinder+ Soccer), Winter (Kinder+ Basketball), and Spring (PK+Soccer and 3rd-6th Girls Volleyball). This league is coached by parent volunteers, so be sure to let us know if you are interested in coaching a team next year!
Student Clubs
Student clubs are programs in which participants have an opportunity to represent AOS at an event or competition. These student clubs are offered to our families free of charge, we only ask that you make a full-year commitment to these programs. These include Chorus for 3rd-8th grade and Quiz Bowl for 6th-8th grade.
Payment for all Extended Day programs is billed through the Extended Day registration website. Payment plans are available, and payment may be made by credit card or eCheck.
Schedule Changes & Cancellations
The Extended Day Office offers a cancellation period following the registration for each semester. Spring registration will close on December 11. All cancellations are subject to a $50 cancellation fee per activity. For EDC, the cancellation fee is charged per “batch” of changes per child. Batch changes are multiple changes made to your child’s EDC before-care and after-care schedule at one time. Once the cancellation window closes, all charges are non-refundable and non-transferable. Provided below are the registration deadlines and cancellation period for Spring 2025. If you wish to change your schedule, please contact the Extended Day Office at or 713-470-5600.
Registration & Cancellation Deadlines:
November 13- Registration opens and spring cancellation period with cancellation fees begins.
December 11 -Spring registration closes.
January 20- Spring cancellation period with cancellation fee ends.
January 21- All charges are non-refundable and non-transferable
Registration for Spring 2025 will open at 11:00 AM on Wednesday, November 13.
Extended Day programs are on a semester-based schedule (fall & spring). Registration for all Extended Day programs occurs online and happens on a first come, first served basis. Many after school activities fill quickly. EDC will always be available to our families during the registration period as we can adjust the program based on the needs of our families. Availability in EDC may be limited after the registration deadline.
Our Spring 2025 registration deadline is Wednesday, December 11.
important dates
EDC opens on
Tuesday, January 7.
All spring Extended Day Activities, Lessons, and Student Clubs begin on
Monday, January 13.
All spring Activities, Lessons, and Clubs end on Friday, May 2. EDC will end on
Wednesday, May 21.
Spring 2025 Offerings
- Spring EDC Options and Pricing
- Delphi
- PreKindergarten
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- Sixth Grade
- Seventh Grade
- Eighth Grade
- Private Music Lessons
Spring EDC Options and Pricing
Spring Morning Care EDC and After Care EDC:
Spring EDC opens on Tuesday, January 7 for all students. Holiday Care for EDC begins on Monday, January 6.
Morning Care (AM) and After Care (PM) Childcare is offered as EDC before and after school when school is in session. Parents may select Morning Care options only (AM), After Care options only (PM), or Morning and After Care options (AM & PM) for as few as 1 day a week and as many as 5 days a week.
AM EDC: Students enrolled in Morning Care may arrive at 7:00 AM. We offer an extended Wednesday AM EDC to accommodate our Late Start from 7:00-8:30 AM.
PM EDC: Students enrolled in After Care may stay until 6:00 PM.
Pricing is for Spring (January-May)
1 Day AM: $231 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
1 Day AM Wednesday: $689
2 Day AM: $418
3 Day AM: $561
4 Day AM: $660
5 Day AM: $1,086 (includes late-start Wednesday)
1 Day 6:00 PM: $660
2 Day 6:00 PM: $1,187
3 Day 6:00 PM: $1,583
4 Day 6:00 PM: $1,847
5 Day 6:00 PM: $1,979
1 Day AM & 6:00 PM: $769
2 Day AM & 6:00 PM: $1,385
3 Day AM & 6:00 PM: $1,847
4 Day AM & 6:00 PM: $2,155
5 Day AM & 6:00 PM: $2,308
Holiday Care Package (additional cost)
The Spring Holiday Care Package includes:
(1) full-day Faculty/Staff Professional Development Day January 6 (JC, LS, MS)
(1) full-day Conference Day January 17 (MS)
(1) full-day Faculty/Staff Professional Development Day February 14 (JC, LS, MS)
(1) full-day President's Day February 17 (JC, LS, MS)
(1) full-day Conference Day February 28 (JC, LS)*
(1) half-day Olympics Setup Early Dismissal May 8 (JC, LS, MS)
(1) full-day Conference Day May 19 (JC, LS)
Students enrolled in either the 5 day PM or the 5 day AM & PM option do not need to register for the additional Holiday Care Package - Holiday Care is included in that option.
*NEW: During the February 28 (JC/LS) Conferences, we are offering complimentary drop-in childcare during your scheduled conference. This option will be limited 30-minutes while parents are present on campus. JC/LS siblings may attend drop-in childcare during their sibling's conference as well as their own.
Spring Holiday Care Package:
$515 (Jones Center & Lower School)
$421 (Middle School)
EDC Drop-in:
An EDC "Drop-in" is an opportunity for students to stay after school as a one-off schedule change. Parents can choose between two options: Drop-in until 4:30 PM or until 6:00 PM. Drop-ins can be scheduled up to two weeks in advance through the Extended Day Registration System. At least a 24-hour notice is requested. The Drop-in option is not available for AM EDC or Holiday Care days.
Drop-in Pricing:
Daily rate until 4:30 PM $35
Daily rate until 6:00 PM $60
Late Pickup Charge
If a child is not picked up by 6:00 PM, a charge of $2.00 for each minute thereafter will be assessed. If you know you will be late, a phone call is appreciated; however, the late fee will still apply.
Gymnastics: 2:45-3:45 PM ($372)
Join our experienced coaches to learn new gymnastics skills while having fun with your friends!
Main Street Theater: 2:45-3:45 PM ($372)
Main Street Theater classes allow students to experience the creative process from inspiration to performance, learn the fundamentals of drama, focus on collaboration, take pride in the original plays they create, and foster a lifelong interest in the performing arts.
Art with Abrakadoodle: 2:45-3:45 PM ($465)
Your little ones will gleefully create their own unique masterpieces using a wide variety of high quality art materials. Through carefully designed lessons, our students develop skills important for school success such as fine motor skills, language, cognitive skills, and the ability to listen and follow directions. They will have a blast as they explore their creative sides and ignite their imaginations!
Creative Movement: 2:45-3:45 PM ($534)
Join our Dance instructors for a fun-filled class utilizing different types of creative movement! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May.
Soccer Shots Classic: 2:45-3:45 PM ($434)
Soccer Shots Classic utilizes creative and imaginative games to focus on basic soccer skills like dribbling, passing and shooting. We also highlight a positive character trait each session such as respect, teamwork and appreciation.
Mad Science: 2:45-3:45 PM ($465)
Mad Science of Houston has been teaching children to learn to love science for over 30 years! Our goal is to entertain and educate with a range of different science experiments every week. Children can learn about engineering, astronomy, biology, geology and so much more. We make science relatable and FUN!
LEGO Engineering: 2:45-3:45 PM ($372)
Instructors from Building Brains use LEGO Duplo and K’NEX educational kits to build math and science skills with our youngest engineers. Our specially designed building kits have gears, levers and pulleys. Students build simple machines that really work, while building on motor skills and confidence. Students use colors, sizes and shapes to build simple machines and then perform scientific experiments to see how they work. Several new and exciting machines are built each day. Literacy skills are improved by memorizing poems with hand motions for gears, levers and pulleys that reinforce how they work and what they do.
Spanish: 2:45-3:45 PM ($372)
Language Kids World is an immersive Spanish class that brings the world to your child with fun, engaging and innovative classes for children. This program incorporates fun with engaging hands-on activities, music, play, and much more! The focus of our program is to help children develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent in the target language through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use the language they are learning in a meaningful way.
Creative Movement: 2:45-3:45 PM ($472)
Join our Dance instructors for a fun-filled class utilizing different types of creative movement! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May.
Little Geniuses Chess: 2:45-3:45 PM ($372)
Can preschoolers really learn chess? You bet they can! The Knight School Little Geniuses Chess Program is a preschool chess class with an ingenious curriculum designed to exactly target, stimulate, and delight the preschool mind. Our fun chess lessons of the week—“Think a Plan and Follow It,” “Cool Kids Lose Well,” “Friends Are Always There,” “Never, Ever Cheat,” I Must Never Give Up,” and another ten like those—are just what preschoolers need to hear and want to hear. These chess lessons for kids can last a lifetime. Every child receives their very own The Knight School chess set, chess board, chess pieces, and chess tote, which is quite a cute carpool sight as they proudly carry their chess set into Pre-K every chess day!
Main Street Theater: 2:45-3:45 PM ($372)
Main Street Theater offers after-school programs to enrich the theater arts at schools. Our theater classes allow students to experience the creative process from inspiration to performance, learn the fundamentals of drama, focus on collaboration, take pride in the original plays they create, and foster a lifelong interest in the performing arts.We are looking for good team players, movie fans, avid readers, sports fans, brainiacs, shy kids, pirates, princesses and born performers – anyone and everyone who has ever imagined their own adventure!
Art with Abrakadoodle: 2:45-3:45 PM ($465)
Your little ones will gleefully create their own unique masterpieces using a wide variety of high quality art materials. Through carefully designed lessons, our students develop skills important for school success such as fine motor skills, language, cognitive skills, and the ability to listen and follow directions. They will have a blast as they explore their creative sides and ignite their imaginations!
Gymnastics: 2:45-3:45 PM ($465)
Join our experienced coaches to learn new gymnastics skills while having fun with your friends!
Creative Movement: 2:45-3:45 PM ($565)
Join our Dance instructors for a fun-filled class utilizing different types of creative movement! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May.
Karate (previously Taekwondo): 2:45-3:45 PM ($515)
Sensei Jiran Walker has over 25 years of martial arts experience and is the current Texas State Champion. Sensei Walker enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation and has taught in Houston since 1996. He focuses on self-growth and development with each student. His classes promote confidence, a positive self-image, and discipline. Please note that this registration includes an additional fee that will apply to uniforms and equipment, which will be provided based on each student's level and training needs.
LEGO Engineering: 2:45-3:45 PM ($372)
Instructors from Building Brains use LEGO Duplo and K’NEX educational kits to build math and science skills with our youngest engineers. Our specially designed building kits have gears, levers and pulleys. Students build simple machines that really work, while building one motor skills and confidence. Students use colors, sizes and shapes to build simple machines and then perform scientific experiments to see how they work. Several new and exciting machines are built each day. Literacy skills are improved by memorizing poems with hand motions for gears, levers and pulleys that reinforce how they work and what they do.
Spanish: 2:45-3:45 PM ($372)
Language Kids World is an immersive Spanish class that brings the world to your child with fun, engaging and innovative classes for children. This program incorporates fun with engaging hands-on activities, music, play, and much more! The focus of our program is to help children develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent in the target language through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use the language they are learning in a meaningful way.
LEGO Engineering: 3:30-4:30 PM ($438)
Students build simple machines using gears, levers and pulleys and then motorize them using LEGO and K’NEX educational kits and curriculum while building math and science skills. Using the newest LEGO educational kit, students challenge one another to create, build and test the best design. Students will learn why a machine works and how to manipulate a machine to go faster or slower. Fine motor skills, critical thinking skills; imagination and confidence will increase in this fun filled class atmosphere. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Gymnastics: 4:00-5:00 PM* ($481)
Join our experienced coaches to learn new gymnastics skills while having fun with your friends! *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 4:00 PM.
Ballet/Jazz: 2:45-3:45 PM ($640)
Students learn the fundamentals of ballet and jazz with their favorite dance teachers! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May.
Spanish: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($547)
Language Kids World is an immersive Spanish class that brings the world to your child with fun, engaging and innovative classes for children. This program incorporates fun with engaging hands-on activities, music, play, and much more! The focus of our program is to help children develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent in the target language through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use the language they are learning in a meaningful way. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Ballet/Jazz: 2:45-3:45 PM ($609)
Students learn the fundamentals of ballet and jazz with their favorite dance teachers! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May.
Karate (previously Taekwondo): 2:45-3:45 PM ($484)
Sensei Jiran Walker has over 25 years of martial arts experience and is the current Texas State Champion. Sensei Walker enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation and has taught in Houston since 1996. He focuses on self-growth and development with each student. His classes promote confidence, a positive self-image, and discipline. Please note that this registration includes an additional fee that will apply to uniforms and equipment, which will be provided based on each student's level and training needs.
Hip Hop: 2:45-3:45 PM ($565)
Students learn the basics of hip hop with their favorite dance teachers! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May.
Robotics: Imagineers in Gear: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($547)
American Robotics Academy joins AOS! Let your imagination and ideas take you wherever you want to go! Students will learn engineering key concepts and fundamentals building with LEGO elements from the creative tool kit. Learning as we go numeracy, literacy and much more. Students will be challenged to use LEGO pieces to create a structure or setting using LEGO elements. Students will engage with hands-on experience including fun and problem-solving activities and be encouraged to tell a story about their creations. Your student will be offered special pieces for their builds to complete their story. Students will learn to identify build pieces and their function required to build structures towards the next step into Robotics. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Art with Abrakadoodle: 3:30-4:30PM* ($438)
Join friends in the Lower School Art Studio for an afternoon of fun! Students create their own unique masterpieces using a wide variety of high quality art materials. Students will have a blast as they explore their creative sides and ignite their imaginations! *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Chess Nuts: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($438)
The Knight School brings Chess Nuts to AOS after school. This is a chess-song singing and fun introduction to chess. Chess Nuts puts on a high-energy, 45-minute chess practice in which kids play chess for Mardi Gras beads, compete weekly for one of 20 brightly-colored silicone wristbands, and look forward each week to 22 daily activities. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
First Grade
Art with Glassell Junior School: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($416)
Join friends in the Lower School Art Studio for an afternoon of fun! Sharpen your drawing skills, create bigger and better sculptures, paint a masterpiece, and get your hands in clay. Develop your skills and prepare to have fun! *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Ballet/Jazz: 4:00-5:00 PM* ($634)
Students learn the fundamentals of ballet and jazz with their favorite dance teachers! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 4:00 PM.
Robotics: Fun Frenzy Robotics 1-2-3: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($520)
American Robotics Academy joins AOS! Students will be introduced in the first 5 weeks to basic engineering concepts and create simple builds throughout the remaining sessions. LEGO Technic pieces that come together to create movable, steerable, controlled robots. Students work in groups to complete each build, are encouraged to work as a team, and explore the use of motors, gears, pulleys, and IR technology while building Lego Robot inventions. Each build will be followed by a thrilling challenge that illustrates the need for “simplicity” and the pitfalls of “complexity”. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Gymnastics: 4:00-5:00 PM* ($574)
Join our experienced coaches to learn new gymnastics skills while having fun with your friends! *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 4:00 PM.
Hip Hop: 4:00-5:00 PM* ($636)
Students learn the basics of hip hop with their favorite dance teachers! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May. To help families with this, we offer priority registration for this class for the spring. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 4:00 PM.
Karate (previously Taekwondo): 4:00-5:00 PM* ($586)
Sensei Jiran Walker has over 25 years of martial arts experience and is the current Texas State Champion. Sensei Walker enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation and has taught in Houston since 1996. He focuses on self-growth and development with each student. His classes promote confidence, a positive self-image, and discipline. Please note that this registration includes an additional fee that will apply to uniforms and equipment, which will be provided based on each student's level and training needs. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 4:00 PM.
Imaginations at Work Creative Writing: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($520)
Mrs. Katrib brings Imaginations at Work to AOS! Improve your child’s literacy skills, creativity and imagination through Imaginations at Work. During this class children are given the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities and learning experiences to build and improve vocabulary, narrative skills, and storytelling. This is a learning experience that builds self-confidence while empowering children to use their own creativity to stimulate their imaginations while building literacy skills. Mrs. Katrib enjoys inspiring children to use their imaginations while learning through meaningful activities. She enjoys sharing stories with children and listening to their own stories from their Imaginations at Work.
*This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Robotics: Imagineers in Gear: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($520)
American Robotics Academy joins AOS! Let your imagination and ideas take you wherever you want to go! Students will learn engineering key concepts and fundamentals building with LEGO elements from the creative tool kit. Learning as we go numeracy, literacy and much more. Students will be challenged to use LEGO pieces to create a structure or setting using LEGO elements. Students will engage with hands-on experience including fun and problem-solving activities and be encouraged to tell a story about their creations. Your student will be offered special pieces for their builds to complete their story. Students will learn to identify build pieces and their function required to build structures towards the next step into Robotics. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
The Knight School Chess: 3:15-4:30 PM ($492)
Are you looking for an after school chess program that offers an amazing combination of chess lessons, laughter, and fun chess tournaments for kids? Welcome to The Knight School! In this kid-centered classroom environment, we teach our kids every cool trick, strategy, opening, and tactic in chessdom and our kids soon learn to love and master chess and to masterfully control their classrooms, sports fields, and home lives as well! Every child receives their very own The Knight School chess set, chess board, chess pieces, and chess tote. If you are looking for grandpa's silent, snooty, mandatory-chess-notation library, this is not the place. But if you are after a children’s chess club that will keep kids excited until the muse shows up with their chess epiphany, welcome to The Knight School!
Spanish: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($416)
Language Kids World is an immersive Spanish class that brings the world to your child with fun, engaging and innovative classes for children. This program incorporates fun with engaging hands-on activities, music, play, and much more! The focus of our program is to help children develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent in the target language through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use the language they are learning in a meaningful way. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Second Grade
Art with Glassell Junior School: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($416)
Join friends in the Lower School Art Studio for an afternoon of fun! Sharpen your drawing skills, create bigger and better sculptures, paint a masterpiece, and get your hands in clay. Develop your skills and prepare to have fun! *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Ballet/Jazz: 4:00-5:00 PM* ($634)
Students learn the fundamentals of ballet and jazz with their favorite dance teachers! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 4:00 PM.
Robotics: Fun Frenzy Robotics 1-2-3: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($520)
American Robotics Academy joins AOS! Students will be introduced in the first 5 weeks to basic engineering concepts and create simple builds throughout the remaining sessions. LEGO Technic pieces that come together to create movable, steerable, controlled robots. Students work in groups to complete each build, are encouraged to work as a team, and explore the use of motors, gears, pulleys, and IR technology while building Lego Robot inventions. Each build will be followed by a thrilling challenge that illustrates the need for “simplicity” and the pitfalls of “complexity”. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Gymnastics: 4:00-5:00 PM* ($574)
Join our experienced coaches to learn new gymnastics skills while having fun with your friends! *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 4:00 PM.
Main Street Theater: 3:30-4:30 PM ($434)
Main Street Theater classes allow students to experience the creative process from inspiration to performance, learn the fundamentals of drama, focus on collaboration, take pride in the original plays they create, and foster a lifelong interest in the performing arts.
Karate (previously Taekwondo): 4:00-5:00 PM* ($586)
Sensei Jiran Walker has over 25 years of martial arts experience and is the current Texas State Champion. Sensei Walker enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation and has taught in Houston since 1996. He focuses on self-growth and development with each student. His classes promote confidence, a positive self-image, and discipline. Please note that this registration includes an additional fee that will apply to uniforms and equipment, which will be provided based on each student's level and training needs. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 4:00 PM.
Imaginations at Work Creative Writing: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($520)
Mrs. Katrib brings Imaginations at Work to AOS! Improve your child’s literacy skills, creativity and imagination through Imaginations at Work. During this class children are given the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities and learning experiences to build and improve vocabulary, narrative skills, and storytelling. This is a learning experience that builds self-confidence while empowering children to use their own creativity to stimulate their imaginations while building literacy skills. Mrs. Katrib enjoys inspiring children to use their imaginations while learning through meaningful activities. She enjoys sharing stories with children and listening to their own stories from their Imaginations at Work. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Hip Hop: 4:00-5:00 PM* ($674)
Students learn the basics of hip hop with their favorite dance teachers! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May. *EDC childcare from your child's school dismissal time until class begins at 4:00pm is included in this course.
Chess: 3:30-4:30 PM ($372)
Game Think offers chess lessons to students of all skill levels and encourages fair and friendly play. On day one, overall skill is assessed, and students are placed into appropriate groups. The following lessons ensure that every student has a solid grasp of the fundamentals of chess: piece movement, piece value, setting up the board, and basic algebraic notation. From there, students learn basic checkmates, opening strategies, and tactics. Learning chess at a young age has been proven to help improve focus, strategy, and critical thinking.
Spanish: 3:30-4:30 PM* ($416)
Language Kids World is an immersive Spanish class that brings the world to your child with fun, engaging and innovative classes for children. This program incorporates fun with engaging hands-on activities, music, play, and much more! The focus of our program is to help children develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent in the target language through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use the language they are learning in a meaningful way. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:30 PM.
Third Grade
Spanish: 3:30-4:30 PM ($372)
Language Kids World is an immersive Spanish class that brings the world to your child with fun, engaging and innovative classes for children. This program incorporates fun with engaging hands-on activities, music, play, and much more! The focus of our program is to help children develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent in the target language through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use the language they are learning in a meaningful way.
Imaginations at Work Creative Writing: 3:30-4:30 PM ($465)
Mrs. Katrib brings Imaginations at Work to AOS! Improve your child’s literacy skills, creativity and imagination through Imaginations at Work. During this class children are given the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities and learning experiences to build and improve vocabulary, narrative skills, and storytelling. This is a learning experience that builds self-confidence while empowering children to use their own creativity to stimulate their imaginations while building literacy skills. Mrs. Katrib enjoys inspiring children to use their imaginations while learning through meaningful activities. She enjoys sharing stories with children and listening to their own stories from their Imaginations at Work.
Main Street Theater: 3:30-4:30 PM ($434)
Main Street Theater classes allow students to experience the creative process from inspiration to performance, learn the fundamentals of drama, focus on collaboration, take pride in the original plays they create, and foster a lifelong interest in the performing arts.
Hip Hop: 4:00-5:00 PM* ($636)
Students learn the basics of hip hop with their favorite dance teachers! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May. *EDC childcare from your child's school dismissal time until class begins at 4:00pm is included in this course.
Lower School Chorus: 7:05-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall trimester.
Instructor: Seth Rowoldt, AOS Faculty
Art with Glassell Junior School: 3:30-4:30 PM ($465)
Join friends in the Lower School Art Studio for an afternoon of fun! Sharpen your drawing skills, create bigger and better sculptures, paint a masterpiece, and get your hands in clay. Develop your skills and prepare to have fun!
Karate (previously Taekwondo): 4:00-5:00 PM* ($570)
Sensei Jiran Walker has over 25 years of martial arts experience and is the current Texas State Champion. Sensei Walker enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation and has taught in Houston since 1996. He focuses on self-growth and development with each student. His classes promote confidence, a positive self-image, and discipline. Please note that this registration includes an additional fee that will apply to uniforms and equipment, which will be provided based on each student's level and training needs. *EDC childcare from your child's school dismissal time until class begins at 4:00pm is included in this course.
Chess: 3:30-4:30 PM ($372)
Game Think offers chess lessons to students of all skill levels and encourages fair and friendly play. On day one, overall skill is assessed, and students are placed into appropriate groups. The following lessons ensure that every student has a solid grasp of the fundamentals of chess: piece movement, piece value, setting up the board, and basic algebraic notation. From there, students learn basic checkmates, opening strategies, and tactics. Learning chess at a young age has been proven to help improve focus, strategy, and critical thinking.
Fencing: 3:45-4:45 PM* ($416)
Fencing is the sport of knights, pirates, and Jedi. Houston Sword Sports teaches students to move like a fencer, wield a sword, and compete with classmates. Every opponent is a new puzzle to solve, and every day students learn new ways to solve those puzzles. Fencing fosters creativity, self-discipline, physical and mental quickness, and good sportsmanship.*This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:45 PM.
Fourth Grade
Spanish: 3:30-4:30 PM ($372)
Language Kids World is an immersive Spanish class that brings the world to your child with fun, engaging and innovative classes for children. This program incorporates fun with engaging hands-on activities, music, play, and much more! The focus of our program is to help children develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent in the target language through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use the language they are learning in a meaningful way.
Imaginations at Work Creative Writing: 3:30-4:30 PM ($465)
Mrs. Katrib brings Imaginations at Work to AOS! Improve your child’s literacy skills, creativity and imagination through Imaginations at Work. During this class children are given the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities and learning experiences to build and improve vocabulary, narrative skills, and storytelling. This is a learning experience that builds self-confidence while empowering children to use their own creativity to stimulate their imaginations while building literacy skills. Mrs. Katrib enjoys inspiring children to use their imaginations while learning through meaningful activities. She enjoys sharing stories with children and listening to their own stories from their Imaginations at Work.
Main Street Theater: 3:30-4:30 PM ($434)
Main Street Theater classes allow students to experience the creative process from inspiration to performance, learn the fundamentals of drama, focus on collaboration, take pride in the original plays they create, and foster a lifelong interest in the performing arts.
Hip Hop: 4:00-5:00 PM* ($636)
Students learn the basics of hip hop with their favorite dance teachers! These students will learn and perform a dance for our year-end recital in May. *EDC childcare from your child's school dismissal time until class begins at 4:00 PM is included in this course.
Lower School Chorus: 7:05-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester.
Instructor: Seth Rowoldt, AOS Faculty
Art with Glassell Junior School: 3:30-4:30 PM ($465)
Join friends in the Lower School Art Studio for an afternoon of fun! Sharpen your drawing skills, create bigger and better sculptures, paint a masterpiece, and get your hands in clay. Develop your skills and prepare to have fun!
Karate (previously Taekwondo): 4:00-5:00 PM* ($570)
Sensei Jiran Walker has over 25 years of martial arts experience and is the current Texas State Champion. Sensei Walker enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation and has taught in Houston since 1996. He focuses on self-growth and development with each student. His classes promote confidence, a positive self-image, and discipline. Please note that this registration includes an additional fee that will apply to uniforms and equipment, which will be provided based on each student's level and training needs. *EDC childcare from your child's school dismissal time until class begins at 4:00pm is included in this course.
Chess: 3:30-4:30 PM ($372)
Game Think offers chess lessons to students of all skill levels and encourages fair and friendly play. On day one, overall skill is assessed, and students are placed into appropriate groups. The following lessons ensure that every student has a solid grasp of the fundamentals of chess: piece movement, piece value, setting up the board, and basic algebraic notation. From there, students learn basic checkmates, opening strategies, and tactics. Learning chess at a young age has been proven to help improve focus, strategy, and critical thinking.
Fabric Arts: Crocheting: 3:45-4:45 PM ($372)
Join friends in this creative class, taught by Coach Morris, our talented crocheting artist! This class isn’t just about making beautiful pieces, it’s also a great way for students to relax, destress, and boost self-esteem. Students who learn to crochet develop patience, perseverance, and problem-solving skills. Crocheting offers a platform for endless creativity! Students will feel empowered to express themselves through their unique designs and creations! Instructor: Ellen Morris, AOS Coach and Extended Day Counselor
Fencing: 3:45-4:45 PM *($416)
Fencing is the sport of knights, pirates, and Jedi. Houston Sword Sports teaches students to move like a fencer, wield a sword, and compete with classmates. Every opponent is a new puzzle to solve, and every day students learn new ways to solve those puzzles. Fencing fosters creativity, self-discipline, physical and mental quickness, and good sportsmanship. *This cost includes EDC between school dismissal and the start of class at 3:45 PM.
Fifth Grade
5th Grade Chorus: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
The Middle School Chorus is a non-audition vocal ensemble open to all skill levels. The Chorus learns proper vocal technique, ear training, sight-singing, and performance skills. The repertoire is very diverse, ranging from classical to contemporary music. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructor: Ray Rhoads, AOS Faculty
Fine Art: 3:45-4:45PM ($372)
Get creative with Mrs. Wise in the art studio! Students participate in traditional fine art methods such as pencil, acrylic, and pastel as well as experiment with non-traditional art materials and techniques such as poured paint, alcohol inks, paper-mache, recycled material creations, polymer clay, and so much more.
Instructor: Meredith Wise, AOS Faculty
Chess: 3:45-4:45 PM ($465)
Game Think offers chess lessons to students of all skill levels and encourages fair and friendly play. On day one, overall skill is assessed, and students are placed into appropriate groups. The following lessons ensure that every student has a solid grasp of the fundamentals of chess: piece movement, piece value, setting up the board, and basic algebraic notation. From there, students learn basic checkmates, opening strategies, and tactics.
5th Grade Quiz Bowl: 3:45-4:45 PM ($434)
Quiz Bowl is a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. The defining feature of Quiz Bowl is the use of a buzzer system that lets players interrupt the reading of a question when they know the answer. This element adds a dimension of confidence, anticipation, and rapid recall to a game about knowing facts. The 5th Grade Quiz Bowl class will not be competing with the AOS Quiz Bowl Team. Instructor: Sarah Schultz, AOS Faculty
5th Grade Chorus: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
The Middle School Chorus is a non-audition vocal ensemble open to all skill levels. The Chorus learns proper vocal technique, ear training, sight-singing, and performance skills. The repertoire is very diverse, ranging from classical to contemporary music. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructor: Ray Rhoads, AOS Faculty
Speech, Debate, & Commentary: 3:45-4:45 PM ($465)
Join a speech and debate class that incorporates topics that are engaging and relevant for middle school students. Students will hone their skills in public speaking, explore storytelling, effectively communicate their ideas and perspectives, learn to present play by play, and develop greater confidence in articulating diverse viewpoints. Come join us as we craft compelling messages on topics that matter to you and your peers. Instructor: Alicia Mac, AOS Faculty
Karate (previously Taekwondo): 4:00-5:00 PM* ($570)
Sensei Jiran Walker has over 25 years of martial arts experience and is the current Texas State Champion. Sensei Walker enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation and has taught in Houston since 1996. He focuses on self-growth and development with each student. His classes promote confidence, a positive self-image, and discipline. Please note that this registration includes an additional fee that will apply to uniforms and equipment, which will be provided based on each student's level and training needs. *EDC childcare from your child's school dismissal time until class begins at 4:00pm is included in this course.
Fabric Arts: Crocheting: 3:45-4:45 PM ($372)
Join friends in this creative class, taught by Coach Morris, our talented crocheting artist! This class isn’t just about making beautiful pieces, it’s also a great way for students to relax, destress, and boost self-esteem. Students who learn to crochet develop patience, perseverance, and problem-solving skills. Crocheting offers a platform for endless creativity! Students will feel empowered to express themselves through their unique designs and creations! Instructor: Ellen Morris, AOS Coach and Extended Day Counselor
Fencing: 3:45-4:45pm ($372)
Fencing is the sport of knights, pirates, and Jedi. Houston Sword Sports teaches students to move like a fencer, wield a sword, and compete with classmates. Every opponent is a new puzzle to solve, and every day students learn new ways to solve those puzzles. Fencing fosters creativity, self-discipline, physical and mental quickness, and good sportsmanship.
Sixth Grade
Fine Art: 3:45-4:45 PM ($372)
Get creative with Mrs. Wise in the art studio! Students participate in traditional fine art methods such as pencil, acrylic, and pastel as well as experiment with non-traditional art materials and techniques such as poured paint, alcohol inks, paper-mache, recycled material creations, polymer clay, and so much more.
Instructor: Meredith Wise, AOS Faculty
6th Grade Chorus: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
The Middle School Chorus is a non-audition vocal ensemble open to all skill levels. The Chorus learns proper vocal technique, ear training, sight-singing, and performance skills. The repertoire is very diverse, ranging from classical to contemporary music. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructor: Ray Rhoads, AOS Faculty
Chess: 3:45-4:45 PM ($465)
Game Think offers chess lessons to students of all skill levels and encourages fair and friendly play. On day one, overall skill is assessed, and students are placed into appropriate groups. The following lessons ensure that every student has a solid grasp of the fundamentals of chess: piece movement, piece value, setting up the board, and basic algebraic notation. From there, students learn basic checkmates, opening strategies, and tactics.
6th Grade Quiz Bowl: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
Quiz Bowl is a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. The defining feature of Quiz Bowl is the use of a buzzer system that lets players interrupt the reading of a question when they know the answer. This element adds a dimension of confidence, anticipation, and rapid recall to a game about knowing facts. Academic Quiz Bowl Teams compete across Houston, the state, and even nationally. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructors: Rebecca Morgan & Alicia McDonald, AOS Faculty
6th Grade Chorus: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
The Middle School Chorus is a non-audition vocal ensemble open to all skill levels. The Chorus learns proper vocal technique, ear training, sight-singing, and performance skills. The repertoire is very diverse, ranging from classical to contemporary music. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructor: Ray Rhoads, AOS Faculty
Karate (previously Taekwondo): 4:00-5:00 PM* ($570)
Sensei Jiran Walker has over 25 years of martial arts experience and is the current Texas State Champion. Sensei Walker enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation and has taught in Houston since 1996. He focuses on self-growth and development with each student. His classes promote confidence, a positive self-image, and discipline. Please note that this registration includes an additional fee that will apply to uniforms and equipment, which will be provided based on each student's level and training needs. *EDC childcare from your child's school dismissal time until class begins at 4:00pm is included in this course.
Speech, Debate, & Commentary: 3:45-4:45 PM ($465)
Join a speech and debate class that incorporates topics that are engaging and relevant for middle school students. Students will hone their skills in public speaking, explore storytelling, effectively communicate their ideas and perspectives, learn to present play by play, and develop greater confidence in articulating diverse viewpoints. Come join us as we craft compelling messages on topics that matter to you and your peers. Instructor: Alicia Mac, AOS Faculty
Fabric Arts: Crocheting: 3:45-4:45 PM ($372)
Join friends in this creative class, taught by Coach Morris, our talented crocheting artist! This class isn’t just about making beautiful pieces, it’s also a great way for students to relax, destress, and boost self-esteem. Students who learn to crochet develop patience, perseverance, and problem-solving skills. Crocheting offers a platform for endless creativity! Students will feel empowered to express themselves through their unique designs and creations! Instructor: Ellen Morris, AOS Coach and Extended Day Counselor
Fencing: 3:45-4:45pm ($372)
Fencing is the sport of knights, pirates, and Jedi. Houston Sword Sports teaches students to move like a fencer, wield a sword, and compete with classmates. Every opponent is a new puzzle to solve, and every day students learn new ways to solve those puzzles. Fencing fosters creativity, self-discipline, physical and mental quickness, and good sportsmanship.
Seventh Grade
Fine Art: 3:45-4:45 PM ($372)
Get creative with Mrs. Wise in the art studio! Students participate in traditional fine art methods such as pencil, acrylic, and pastel as well as experiment with non-traditional art materials and techniques such as poured paint, alcohol inks, paper-mache, recycled material creations, polymer clay, and so much more.
Instructor: Meredith Wise, AOS Faculty
6th-8th Grade Quiz Bowl: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
Quiz Bowl is a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. The defining feature of Quiz Bowl is the use of a buzzer system that lets players interrupt the reading of a question when they know the answer. This element adds a dimension of confidence, anticipation, and rapid recall to a game about knowing facts. Academic Quiz Bowl Teams compete across Houston, the state, and even nationally. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructor: Alicia Mac, AOS Faculty
7th Grade Chorus: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
The Middle School Chorus is a non-audition vocal ensemble open to all skill levels. The Chorus learns proper vocal technique, ear training, sight-singing, and performance skills. The repertoire is very diverse, ranging from classical to contemporary music. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructor: Ray Rhoads, AOS Faculty
Chess: 3:45-4:45 PM ($465)
Game Think offers chess lessons to students of all skill levels and encourages fair and friendly play. On day one, overall skill is assessed, and students are placed into appropriate groups. The following lessons ensure that every student has a solid grasp of the fundamentals of chess: piece movement, piece value, setting up the board, and basic algebraic notation. From there, students learn basic checkmates, opening strategies, and tactics.
Advanced Fine Art Portfolio Building: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
Students have an opportunity to work on independent artwork and prepare their portfolios for contests and high school applications.
Instructor: Meredith Wise, AOS Faculty
7th Grade Chorus: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
The Middle School Chorus is a non-audition vocal ensemble open to all skill levels. The Chorus learns proper vocal technique, ear training, sight-singing, and performance skills. The repertoire is very diverse, ranging from classical to contemporary music. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructor: Ray Rhoads, AOS Faculty
Karate (previously Taekwondo): 4:00-5:00 PM* ($570)
Sensei Jiran Walker has over 25 years of martial arts experience and is the current Texas State Champion. Sensei Walker enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation and has taught in Houston since 1996. He focuses on self-growth and development with each student. His classes promote confidence, a positive self-image, and discipline. Please note that this registration includes an additional fee that will apply to uniforms and equipment, which will be provided based on each student's level and training needs. *EDC childcare from your child's school dismissal time until class begins at 4:00pm is included in this course.
Speech, Debate, & Commentary: 3:45-4:45 PM ($465)
Join a speech and debate class that incorporates topics that are engaging and relevant for middle school students. Students will hone their skills in public speaking, explore storytelling, effectively communicate their ideas and perspectives, learn to present play by play, and develop greater confidence in articulating diverse viewpoints. Come join us as we craft compelling messages on topics that matter to you and your peers. Instructor: Alicia Mac, AOS Faculty
7th Grade Quiz Bowl: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
Quiz Bowl is a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. The defining feature of Quiz Bowl is the use of a buzzer system that lets players interrupt the reading of a question when they know the answer. This element adds a dimension of confidence, anticipation, and rapid recall to a game about knowing facts. Academic Quiz Bowl Teams compete across Houston, the state, and even nationally. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructors: Rebecca Morgan, AOS Faculty
Fabric Arts: Crocheting: 3:45-4:45 PM ($372)
Join friends in this creative class, taught by Coach Morris, our talented crocheting artist! This class isn’t just about making beautiful pieces, it’s also a great way for students to relax, destress, and boost self-esteem. Students who learn to crochet develop patience, perseverance, and problem-solving skills. Crocheting offers a platform for endless creativity! Students will feel empowered to express themselves through their unique designs and creations! Instructor: Ellen Morris, AOS Coach and Extended Day Counselor
Fencing: 3:45-4:45 PM ($372)
Fencing is the sport of knights, pirates, and Jedi. Houston Sword Sports teaches students to move like a fencer,
wield a sword, and compete with classmates. Every opponent is a new puzzle to solve, and every day students
learn new ways to solve those puzzles. Fencing fosters creativity, self-discipline, physical and mental quickness,
and good sportsmanship.
Eighth Grade
8th Grade Quiz Bowl: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
Quiz Bowl is a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. The defining feature of Quiz Bowl is the use of a buzzer system that lets players interrupt the reading of a question when they know the answer. This element adds a dimension of confidence, anticipation, and rapid recall to a game about knowing facts. Academic Quiz Bowl Teams compete across Houston, the state, and even nationally. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructor: Alicia Mac, AOS faculty
Fine Art: 3:45-4:45 PM ($372)
Get creative with Mrs. Wise in the art studio! Students participate in traditional fine art methods such as pencil, acrylic, and pastel as well as experiment with non-traditional art materials and techniques such as poured paint, alcohol inks, paper-mache, recycled material creations, polymer clay, and so much more. Instructor: Meredith Wise, AOS Faculty
6th-8th Grade Quiz Bowl: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
Quiz Bowl is a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. The defining feature of Quiz Bowl is the use of a buzzer system that lets players interrupt the reading of a question when they know the answer. This element adds a dimension of confidence, anticipation, and rapid recall to a game about knowing facts. Academic Quiz Bowl Teams compete across Houston, the state, and even nationally. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructor: Alicia Mac, AOS faculty
8th Grade Chorus: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
The Middle School Chorus is a non-audition vocal ensemble open to all skill levels. The Chorus learns proper vocal technique, ear training, sight-singing, and performance skills. The repertoire is very diverse, ranging from classical to contemporary music. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructor: Ray Rhoads, AOS Faculty
Chess: 3:45-4:45 PM ($465)
Game Think offers chess lessons to students of all skill levels and encourages fair and friendly play. On day one, overall skill is assessed, and students are placed into appropriate groups. The following lessons ensure that every student has a solid grasp of the fundamentals of chess: piece movement, piece value, setting up the board, and basic algebraic notation. From there, students learn basic checkmates, opening strategies, and tactics.
Advanced Fine Art Portfolio Building: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
Students have an opportunity to work on independent artwork and prepare their portfolios for contests and high school applications.
Instructor: Meredith Wise, AOS Faculty
8th Grade Chorus: 7:00-7:45 AM (Student Club, Free)
The Middle School Chorus is a non-audition vocal ensemble open to all skill levels. The Chorus learns proper vocal technique, ear training, sight-singing, and performance skills. The repertoire is very diverse, ranging from classical to contemporary music. Student Clubs are a full-year commitment, and registration opens only for the fall semester. Instructor: Ray Rhoads, AOS Faculty
Speech, Debate, & Commentary: 3:45-4:45 PM ($465)
Join a speech and debate class that incorporates topics that are engaging and relevant for middle school students. Students will hone their skills in public speaking, explore storytelling, effectively communicate their ideas and perspectives, learn to present play by play, and develop greater confidence in articulating diverse viewpoints. Come join us as we craft compelling messages on topics that matter to you and your peers. Instructor: Alicia Mac, AOS Faculty
Karate (previously Taekwondo): 4:00-5:00 PM* ($570)
Sensei Jiran Walker has over 25 years of martial arts experience and is the current Texas State Champion. Sensei Walker enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation and has taught in Houston since 1996. He focuses on self-growth and development with each student. His classes promote confidence, a positive self-image, and discipline. Please note that this registration includes an additional fee that will apply to uniforms and equipment, which will be provided based on each student's level and training needs. *EDC childcare from your child's school dismissal time until class begins at 4:00pm is included in this course.
Fabric Arts: Crocheting: 3:45-4:45 PM ($372)
Join friends in this creative class, taught by Coach Morris, our talented crocheting artist! This class isn’t just about making beautiful pieces, it’s also a great way for students to relax, destress, and boost self-esteem. Students who learn to crochet develop patience, perseverance, and problem-solving skills. Crocheting offers a platform for endless creativity! Students will feel empowered to express themselves through their unique designs and creations! Instructor: Ellen Morris, AOS Coach and Extended Day Counselor
Private Music Lessons
AOS offers private voice and instrument lessons after school. Availability for these lessons will depend on the interest of our families. When selecting either private voice or private instrument lessons during registration, you are adding your child's name to our waitlist. You will be contacted
to schedule a lesson time only if an instructor has availability. Most instructor schedules are set in the fall for full-year lessons.
Private Lessons is a commitment to your child’s growing talent:
Private Music Lessons are a full-year commitment
Registration opens only for the fall semester; after the fall registration deadline, lessons may only be added if a space becomes available.
Once your child has been assigned a time/day of the week for their lesson, written notice must be received 2 weeks prior in order to remove your child from the private instrument lesson schedule for the remainder of the year.
We have a make-up lesson policy that limits the reasons why a family or instructor is able to schedule a make-up for a missed lesson.
Payment for Private Music Lessons will now be billed through the Extended Day Registration website as a semester charge and payment plans are available.
Piano Lessons: Kindergarten-8th
Cost: $45/30-minute lesson
Guitar Lessons: 2nd-8th
Cost: $45/30-minute lesson
Ukulele Lessons: 2nd-8th
Cost: $45/30-minute lesson
Percussion or Drum Lessons: 2nd-8th
Cost: $45/30-minute lesson
Violin Lessons: 2nd-8th
Cost: $45/30-minute lesson
Voice Lessons: 2nd-8th
Cost: $45/30-minute lesson
Spring Soccer
For questions about the UCAL program, please reach out to our campus administrators: Sonia Garcia, or Christian Begg,
- Registration Opens: November 13 at 11:00 AM through the Extended Day Registration Website
Registration Closes: December 11
Cost: $210/child (includes a team jersey, team photo, and a trophy or a medal)
Parent Volunteer Coaches Needed
Season Dates: February 15-May 9
Games begin February 24
PK-5th Grade
UCAL Spring Soccer is open to students in PK-5th grade. The practice & game schedule is as follows:
- PK: practices are on Thursdays at AOS after 4:30 PM for 45 minutes. Games are on Saturdays at St. Luke's Methodist.
- K: practices are on Tuesdays at AOS after 4:30 PM for 45 minutes. Games are on Saturdays at St. Luke's Methodist
- 1st-5th grade: practices are on Saturday mornings at AOS. Games are held Mon-Thurs at St. Luke's Methodist.
Each team must have at least two coaches. Please consider volunteering! Parents may sign up as volunteer coaches through the Extended Day registration website during the registration of their child.
Spring Girls Volleyball
- Registration Opens: November 13 at 11:00 AM through the Extended Day Registration Website
Registration Closes: December 11
3RD-6Th Grade Spring Girls
Cost: $210/child (includes a team jersey, team photo, and a trophy or a medal)
Parent Volunteer Coaches Needed
Season Dates: February 15-May 9
Games begin February 24
UCAL Girls Spring Volleyball is open to girls in 3rd-6th grade. Volleyball practices will be held on Saturdays in the AOS gym.
- 3rd grade: 9:00-9:50 AM
- 4th grade: 10:00-10:50 AM
- 5th grade: 11:00-11:50 AM
- 6th grade: 12:00-12:50 PM
Save the Date! A Volleyball Clinic will be held on February 22:
- 3rd-4th grade from 10:00-10:50 AM
- 5th-6th grade from 11:00-11:50 AM
Picture day: March 29
Each team must have at least two coaches. Please consider volunteering! Parents may sign up as volunteer coaches through the Extended Day registration website during the registration of their child.